Opiates Drug Test Cups
Opiates, abbreviated OPI or MOR, refer to any drug derived from the opium poppy plant. The natural existing byproducts of the poppy seed are Morphine and codeine.
CLIA waived opiate drug test cups have two common cut off levels 300ng/ml and 2000 ng/ml. Each manufacturer is different and the product CLIA insert should be examined. The following drugs can be detected: Morphine, Codeine, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, Morphine 3-8-D-Glucuronide, 6-Monoacetylmorphine, Normorphone, Oxycodone, Oxymorphone, Heroin (Diacetylmorphine) and Thebaine. The detection levels vary depending on the cutoff levels of the device.
We stock drug test cups and dips at the 300 ng/ml, which are manufactured by UCP Biosciences. Higher detection levels can be found in the Alere 14 panel drug screen.
Opiate drug test cups can detect the following brand names of medication depending on the consumption rate: Roxinal®, Durmorph®, Demerol®, OxyContin®, Percodan®, Percocet®, Tlyox®, Dilaudid®, Actiq®, codein®, Lorcet®, Lortab®, Norco®, Vicodin®, Exalgo®, Astramorph®, Avinza®, Kadian®, MSContin®, Ora-Morph SR®, Endocet®, Roxicet®, Targiniq ER® and many more. New brand names are always being added. Semi Synthetic drugs are more difficult to detect and may not be availed for detection in the CLIA waived setting. Tramadol and Fentanyl are two examples of semi synthetic opiates. These two types of opiates are not detected in an instant cup or dip within the US.
Opiates are metabolized through the kidney and therefor urine is the suggested form of opiate drug testing. Opiate drug test cups come in many configurations and are available on most of the cups and dips cards we carry. If you don’t find the configuration you are looking for please contact customer service directly.